Friday 28 March 2014

Herbal Essences Moroccan My Shine Shampoo & Conditioner

I'm a real sucker when it comes to new hair products, especially where Herbal Essences is concerned. So, when i went in to Superdrug this week and saw that they had a new shampoo and conditioner on the shelves, i grabbed both without hesitation. Well, i did have to put them through the 'Sparkles Sniff Test' first, but thankfully they passed with flying colours on that one. Is it weird that i smell every hair and beauty product i buy? Be it a face powder or a hair conditioner, it has to smell good. That's not weird, right?

You can pick these up from Superdrug on a snazzy 2 for £6 offer

Unless you've been living on another planet for the past few months, you'll know that it is all about Moroccan Oil in the hair industry. Ive been tightening the purse strings in the past few months so finding a product so cheap that also contains the magic ingredient was a winner for me.

find out what my thoughts were below!

Monday 17 March 2014

The dreaded first post

Im going to start my blog with a bit of a Things You Should Know About Me kind of thing.

  • I am ADDICTED to hair, beauty, nails and all the things that going along with that. Im big in to nail art and nail polish. My friends laugh at how extensive my makeup and nail varnish collection is.
  • I chose the name 'Charlene Sparkles' because that is what my friends have called me for years. Its my Facebook name
  • One of my hobbies is crocheting. Im amazed by how many people have started crocheting recently and think its probably one of those things that more and more younger people will start doing.
  • I have a golden retriever called Bambi who is my absolute world. I got her after id been through a really hard time and she is just lovely. And very, very cute.
  • I hate strawberry flavouring but LOVE strawberries
  • My sister and family mean the absolute world to me. Weve been through a really tough couple of years and i dont know what i would do without them
oh yeah, and i have mermaid hair

phew, thats the first post done and dusted. Thank goodness for that. I hate talking about myself non-stop.
Keep sparkling!